
Download the bat professional portable
Download the bat professional portable

download the bat professional portable

(#0001368) "Undo" and "Redo" work erratically (#0001367) Access Violation on pasting smilies (#0001366) Needles confirmation on closing editor window after saving the message via Ctrl+S (#0001362) Empty brackets for quick templates in the drop-down menus (#0001361) Multiple quotes are rendered too wide (#0001360) No caption "paste as text" while pasting smiles in the HTML editor (#0001358) Quick search filter doesn't clear filter on empty filter text (#0001355) UI elements misplaced in filter conditions (#0001350) Quick Template is not inserted into Quick Reply (#0001346) POP3 Message Dispatcher hangs with an error message (#0001320) On 4K monitors, the mail ticker is too slow (#0001281) %CURSOR is ignored in Quick Template (#0001138) Names of the attachments are displayed incorrectly (#0001121) Shift+Arrows or Ctrl+Arrows don't work as expected in HTML message preview (#0001118) Attachments' names in national characters are converted to underscore (#0001103) Table paste not keeping columns widths

download the bat professional portable

(#0001039) Double-clicking a word with national characters doesn't select it (#0000908) MailTicker goes to background even of the "Always on top" option is enabled (#0000557) Copying of Sorting Office filters with hot keys is incomplete (#0000493) Column "Tags" in message list cannot be size-adjusted by double click The MailTicker was sometimes grey and didn't move Some normal connection state changes were written to the ex_log.txt file Fixed a "stack overflow" error which could occur when a message got loaded, e.g. More debug messages will be added to the ex_log.txt with /startup_timing_log command line option to figure out why The Bat! hangs at startup Better description for the registration key validity version

download the bat professional portable

Added some root certificates used by Google mail servers The Download Manager writes addition information to the ex_log.txt file whenever there is an exception inside a WinInet API function call

Download the bat professional portable